Some of the
innovative technologies in use at the festival were the kinds that are always
present in a contemporary big band. This
includes microphones and amps for the musicians on stage. One of the most obvious technologies that I immediately
noticed were the two large screens on either side of the stage with a live
projection of the performers on stage.
Two cameras were stationed at either side of the stage and were operated
by high school students throughout the performance. I thought this was a great way to make the
festival a cross-curricular event. The
most astonishing example of technology in use at the event, however, did not
involve the students at all.
Each of the
three judges responsible for evaluating each group and their performance was equipped
with a laptop and a smartpen. Although a
laptop is not particularly noteworthy, it is worth mentioning that the judges’
comments and scores were instantly sent to the control room where a fourth
official collaborated and printed the results for the individual bands. As for the smartpen technology, I still have
not recovered from how cool it was! The
judges simply pressed the record button that was printed on their special
notebooks and were able to take notes and simultaneously record verbal
commentary; both of which were included in the packages given to each band at
the end of the event. It was expedient,
efficient and very impressive!
Bryan, this is absolutely fascinating! I went to the jazz festival the other day but it was slightly different. The one in Princeton looks like they have really advanced technology. I think it's probably quite useful having this technology available for them, though. The band directors can receive the comments of the judges during their performance so they can hear their direct reaction and thought process as the music is playing. The directors can then go home and fix up whatever needed work. The way technology is going, hopefully band directors will be able to get as much feedback as possible so their bands can improve that much!